Episode 1

Season 4 - Episode 1 - The importance of storytelling with Ivan Dennis

In our latest episode, we delve into the importance of Data Storytelling with our esteemed guest, Ivan Dennis. With over two decades of expertise in business intelligence and analytics, Ivan thrives on the challenge of transforming raw data into actionable insights that drive growth and innovation. Ivan is currently the Head of BI and Analytics at LMG, a prominent player in broker financial services, Ivan brings a wealth of experience to the table.

Throughout his career, Ivan has amassed an impressive track record in analytics, budgeting, forecasting, commercial insights, change management, and project leadership. His leadership has been instrumental in spearheading numerous large-scale projects that have yielded substantial improvements in performance and profitability.

Beyond his professional achievements, Ivan is deeply passionate about mentoring and empowering his team and stakeholders with state-of-the-art data analysis and visualization techniques. Join us as we explore the art of Data Storytelling with Ivan Dennis and discover how it shapes the landscape of business intelligence and analytics.

About the Podcast

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Hosted By Rina Gami

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Rina Gami

Podcast Host for Lead with Data | Talks about #talentpool, #recruitment, #leadershiptips, #dataandanalytics, and #dataprofessionals

I Help Companies Build High Performing Business Intelligence & Analytics Teams By Attracting & Engaging The Best-in-Class Talent In The Market.